Installation Instructions
Note: this project work with raspberry pi 2 and 3 without any the terminal and write the fallowing orders.
git clone
after finishing the download I'd like to change the file name to get easy for me to access that folder in future, so I rename it to Fm.
and clean the unnecessary file but first go to scr there is the all compiling files then write.
make clean
now all the files that end it in .o will be connect a wire between 10 cm to 17 cm to GPIO4 pin number 7 for getting a good sound quality.
there is WAV sound tracks in side folder for testing, so set your radio at frequency 103.5 MHz for the transmission channel and type in side the folder scr.
sudo ./pi_fm_rds -freq 103.5 -audio sound.wav
now you should be listen to star wars opening music, if that happened that's means everything work fine.if you have a usb camera with microphone that will be great, with it you can easily broadcast your voice threw FM radio but first go to setting and put the sound bar to maximal.
then write in the terminal.
sudo arecord -fS16_LE -r 22050 -Dplughw:1,0 -c 2 - | sudo ./pi_fm_rds -freq 103.5 -audio -
- "sudo arecord -fS16_LE -r 22050 -Dplughw:1,0 -c 2 -" this command to import the sound from USB input and decode it.
- "sudo ./pi_fm_rds -freq 103.5 -audio -" take the audio input and transmit it to channel 103.5