ARDUINO Projects

  • JDY-40

    an RF serial communication or GPIO control distant reach 100 meters in open area and 25 in the building, perfect for short distance remote relay controller or data transmitter line weather station.


    Serial mode
    connect the pins as the following
    • GND to grund
    • VCC to +3.3 volt
    • CS to grund
    • SET to grund
    • TX to RX of the FTDI breakout
    • RX to TX of the FDTI breakout


    and then you have entered the serial mode, open the serial monitor and the speed of the baud rate to 9600 because it's the default serial communication speed of the module.
    Setting Query:

    1>. Baud rate:

    No. Instruction Response Parameter
    1 AT+BAUD<Param> OK Param(1-7)
    Default Value: 4
    2 AT+BAUD +BAUD=<Param>

    2>. RFID

    No. Instruction Response Parameter
    1 AT+RFID<Param> OK Param(0000-FFFF)
    Default Value:8899
    2 AT+RFID +BAUD=<Param>

    3>. DVID

    No. Instruction Response Parameter
    1 AT+DVID<Param> OK Param(0000-FFFF)
    Default Value:8899
    2 AT+DVID +BAUD=<Param>

    4>. RFC

    No. Instruction Response Parameter
    1 AT+RFC<Param> OK Param(001-128)
    Default Value:001
    2 AT+RFC +RFC<Param>

    5>. POWE

    No. Instruction Response Parameter
    1 AT+POWE<Param> OK Param(0-9)
    0: -25db
    1: -15db
    2: -5db
    3: 0db
    4: +3db
    5: +6db
    6: +9db
    7: +10db
    8: +10db
    9: +12db
    2 AT+POWE +POWE=<Param>
    after that disconnect the pin "SET" from the GND and you good to go.
    Post To access the GPIO between the two models you can setup the mode in four different mode

    6>. CLSS type

    No. Instruction Response Parameter
    1 AT+CLSS<Param> OK Param
    A0: Serial port transparent transmission(Transceiver)
    C0: Remote controller or IO key indicator light(Transmitting terminal)
    C1: remote controller or IO key without indicator light (Transmitting terminal)
    C2:IO is high level at normal level, low level after receiving signal and high level after delay 30mS
    C3:IO is low level at normal level, high level after receiving signal and low level after delay 30mS
    C4:IO is low level at normal level, receives pressed signal of high level and receives lift signal low level
    C5: The IO level is reversed when IO receives the pressed signal.
    Default Value:A0
    2 AT+CLSS +CLSS=<Param>
